SHARE! - Week 8
Know God through Praise and Worship
Week 7 Review Question: Share one verse you wrote down in
your SOAR notebook and what it means to you. How did it
deepen your understanding of prayer? If you did the CRAVE!
Section and looked up the word “faith” in all four gospels, what
did you find?
Objective: To seek to know God intimately so that our lives
overflow worship in all that we do!
Key Verse: Exalt the LORD our God and worship at his footstool;
He is holy. Ps. 99:5
I (Sheri) was at a professional basketball game the other night. As
the players ran onto the court, fireworks were going off (inside the
building). My kids were mesmerized and entertained! The MC
would say, "Scream" and everyone in the place would get louder
and louder. The excitement over this team just making one basket
was unbelievable. I saw this one man wearing the wildest hat to
support his team and others with their faces painted. Whether the
basketball team was doing well or not, the fans were ‘sold out’!
This was WORSHIP.
Before national championship game, fans prepare for “watch
parties.” They get all the right clothing gear, the right food and
then they explode in cheer and celebration for their team.
I love the following verse from the Bible where it talks about a
crowd that gathered to wait for Jesus. They came early – maybe
gathering like a parade and when the Jesus (the One and Only)
came in, read below what took place:
As soon as He was approaching, near the descent of the Mount of
Olives, the whole crowd of the disciples began to praise God
joyfully with a loud voice for all the miracles which they had
NAME OF THE LORD; Peace in heaven and glory in the
highest!" Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to Him,
"Teacher, rebuke Your disciples." But Jesus answered, "I tell
you, if these become silent, the stones will cry out!" Luke 19:37-
This is WORSHIP.
There are two kinds of worship seen in these examples. One is
worshipping of something that is temporal (basketball) and the
other is worshipping the Eternal Living God. What or who do
you worship?
The past seven weeks have been a season to prepare our hearts to
worship God. Our prayer is that your life becomes an overflow of
worship to the Father! Whatever you do, work at it with all your
heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, Col. 3:23
Prayer is powerful.
6 days ago
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