During our SHARE time this week, we are going to worship the
Living God!
Everyone has their own way to prepare to worship God. Maybe
today your life was chaotic and you didn’t have time to settle
your heart. Let’s take a moment now to do that – through prayer,
stillness, reading a verse. You choose the way that works for you.
If you need a verse, there are many verses in Psalm that can help
you prepare for worship. Pick your favorite or one of these and
take a few minutes to prepare your heart. (Ps. 134, Ps. 63:1-8, Ps.
Something to Think About:
• If an investigator looked at your calendar and checkbook, what
would he say you worship?
o For me, he might say my children. What’s yours? Your
job, serving others, your family, money, health, sports, a
hobby, friends, depression, negative attitude? Lay it
down today. Ask God to give you a heart to worship
Him above everything else!
• Music is one way to worship, what are some other ways to
worship God?
• What are some ways that you can prepare your heart to
worship God?
Prayer is powerful.
6 days ago
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