Have everyone share how they got names and nick names.
I was named Kelli after my dad, Keith. Steve calls me pooky, which is ironic because all growing up my mother called me bear. Funny how nicknames stick. What is yours?
Open your bibles to John 10:1-18 (example below) or Eph. 2
Make a list of the Character traits you see in this passage.
Leader: Help the participants get started by giving an example or 2.
Here are some examples. We used the alphabet to see how many names
we could find.
Alphabet Names and Character of God Verse
A Authority 18
C Calls you by name 3
F Full Life 10
G Gate 7
G Goes ahead of you 4
G Good Shepherd 2
H He speaks - His voice can be heard 3
L Lays down his life 11
L Leads you 3
O Obeys the Father's commands - sinless 18
P Provider (finds pasture - food - provision) 9
S Savior 9
T Takes up His life - resurrection 17
U Unity - one flock and one shepherd 16
Celebrate God’s wonderful Names and Character!
What other traits can you find?
Prayer is powerful.
6 days ago
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