Week 2
Objective: The Greatest Treasure Hunt is to Seek to Know God through the Bible with our eyes and minds.
Key Verse: For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Mathew 6:21
Have you ever won a grand prize, door prize or anything? One year at the state fair, I won 3 LARGE prizes. I played games the rest of the evening for free because everyone that saw my prizes asked me to try and win them a prize too! It was fun! I didn’t even consider giving one of them away or sharing them with my little sister. They were my treasure. Like Matthew 6:21 says, “my heart was there also.”
Think about what you have treasured in your life – maybe a wedding ring, a new car, your first home, a child, a spouse, your work, or maybe you won the lottery. All of those treasures pale in comparison to the love of God through Jesus Christ! HE is the greatest treasure!
Be honest: Right now what is your greatest treasure? What are you seeking after? What does your heart and mind continually turn to? The answer probably lies in how you spend your time and money. Look at the way Jesus said it in our key verse.
Check this out: Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously,
and he will give you everything you need. Mathew 6:33
Our goal, our aim, our yearning desire should be TO KNOW CHRIST!So why don’t you pursue and desire God more?Like me, maybe you have roadblocks that keep you from seeking God.
What are some roadblocks?
1st Roadblock –Too busy! “I want to make time for God, but I just don’t have time!” If we really want to do something, we will make time for it. If this is you, then God is not first. Ouch! We must plan time to seek God.
2nd Roadblock - Disobedience – Sometimes sin is unconfessed. God calls us to holiness. Fully surrendering our lives to Him sets us free!
3rd Roadblock - Apathetic – “I am Lukewarm. I have tried quiet time with God and it wasn’t so great.” You’ve tried reading the Bible and praying and it wasn’t so great, so you gave up. How can you and I gain a greater hunger and thirst for God?
Jesus said, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they will be filled.” So, what if you lack this hunger and thirst?
How do you get these desires if they’re not there?
1st – Tell God about it. Tell Him you want to desire and love Him more. Continue this prayer until your heart changes. Pursue God like this and it will!!
2nd - Make God your daily nourishment! Jesus is the Bread of Life. He is the Living Water. Does your body require daily food and water? Sure it does! Your Spirit is really no different. Nourish it daily!
Prayer is powerful.
6 days ago
This is so true for me! I know that I've tried several different bible studies--I've always watned to participate in one/do one, but there was always something wrong with the one I'd start. --Too long--too boring--unrelatable--always something. I have really enjoyed this study though. It's relatable, short, too the point and gets me thinkin'. Now, that is my kind of study.....