Now, break into prayer partnerships and let’s pray with one
another. Be real and transparent with God. Don’t feel intimated
sharing your heart with God in front of someone else. Don’t worry
about what you sound like or about what you say or don’t say.
Just allow yourself to be vulnerable with God.
What if you don’t know what to pray? The bible is packed full of
prayers. Jeremiah 1:12 says that God’s Word is active and alive
and He watches over it to perform it, so, you can never go wrong
praying Scriptures.
Here are some scripture prayers that you may want to keep with
you to pray when needed:
• For protection - Psalm 91
• To know God, your calling, identity and what is yours –
Eph. 1:17-23
• To deepen your understanding of God – Eph. 3:16-20
• God knows your thoughts – Ps. 139:1-4
• When your mountain (your problems or circumstances)
seems too big – Isaiah 41:15 and Mark 11:23
Gather back together
• Discuss why you think prayer is important?
Prayer is powerful.
5 days ago
Hey Crash Ladies! I love this! How is the study coming? Are you doing it? Are you growing? What suggestions would you make to us? I would love to have coffee with your group to get to know you, get your feedback and answer your questions. Love, sheri