Day 1- Read Deut. Chapter 6:4 -9, Matt. 22:34 - 40
Are you keeping the first and greatest command?
Where are you at in your relationship with God? Cold? Lukewarm? Hot?
Not growing, growing slowly, growing, growing quickly, soaring? Does your answer to this relate to: not seeking, seeking little, seeking, seeking much, clinging/delighting?
Spend time today thinking about your answer.
These notes came from my Life Application study Bible:
"This passage provides the central these of Deuteronomy. It sets a pattern that helps us relate the Word of God to our daily lives. We are to love God, think constantly about his commandments, teach his commandments to our children, and live each day by the guidelines in his Word. God emphasized the importance of parents’ teaching the Bible to their children. The Church and Christian schools cannot be used to escape from this responsibility. "
"The Bible provides so many opportunities for object lessons and practical teaching that it would be a shame to study it only one day a week. Eternal truths are most effectively learned in the loving environment of a God-fearing home. Jesus said that loving God with all of ourselves is the first and greatest commandment (Matt 22:37-40). This command, combined with the command to love your neighbor (Leviticus 19:18) encompasses all the other Old Testament laws. Rather than worry what we should NOT do, we should concentrate on what we CAN do to show our love for God and others."
Personally in my walk, I would have to say my relationship with God is almost hot. I am cognizant of what I am doing all day and if it is pleasing to the Lord. I take opportunities during the day to integrate the Lord’s lessons in my children’s habits. However, I am not actively telling non-believers about his love, which I know I should do. I would have to say I am growing my relationship with Him with our weekly Bible studies in our lifegroup, and in trying to relate everyday situations with the Word.
Last month, my husband and I were talking about how we both notice that during the day, if something happens, we question how would God feel about this. My cousin and Aunt were here over the holiday weekend and they were bad-mouthing other family members and cussing and just not being very forgiving. The whole time I was thinking to myself, which I should have said something, that this was not pleasing to God and we shouldn’t be talking about our family this way. If my relationship was hot with God, I would have said something. I don’t feel I am ready yet to be able to interject in those situations because I don’t have the Biblical knowledge yet to back-up my beliefs. I know the gist of the Word, but not the actual verses and where they are. I am currently trying to grow, or am seeking that part.
Tell me what your relationship is like with God right now.
Prayer is powerful.
6 days ago
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